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Kuala Lumpur
March 13, 2018

GIIS-KL Kindergarten Sports Day


GIIS-KL Kindergarten had the Kindergarten Sports Carnival in February 2018. Children from KG 1 and KG 2 participated excitedly in all the events that were planned for them.

The event began with a march past. The Principal, Mr.Harvendra Sigh Khalsa and Director Mr.Manoj Nair declared the Sports Meet open by releasing birds to symbolize the free spirit of a child and the boundless potential to spread out their wings to explore the world around them.

Little sprinters started the meet with the KG 2 relay race and short sprint race. The future Olympians showcased a very closely contested performance.

Children participated with great enthusiasm in the various fun games that the teachers had planned for them.

The Kindergarten events drew to a close with the Parents’ and Grandparents’ events taking the limelight after the little kindergarteners thrilled everyone with their energetic and spirited show.


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